08 July 2007

Blast from the past

The problems facing the BFI today aren't new, as this excerpt from a 1974 BFI publications policy paper shows:

'In the field of publishing the BFI will require a carefully thought-out policy to enable it to cope with this conjunction of restricted funds and an ever-increasing gap between what the public needs and what [commercial] publishers will provide.

The BFI should involve itself more fully in publishing. Of course there isn’t enough money; but there never is enough money for all the things the Institute wants to do. But in determining the development of film culture publishing is just as important as the exhibition of films; and in the education sector arguably more so.'

Ed Buscombe, Editor of Publications, BFI Education Advisory Services, BFI Publications Policy, 25 October 1974.

If you have any relevant blogworthy quotes, send them in!

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